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Showing posts from February, 2013

The "Texas" in Texas-Czech

Last week, my father turned 70 and we celebrated with a family lunch. He is a Texan first and a Texas-Czech (and Texas Pole) second, and the menu he chose for his celebratory meal reflects that. I could say the meal was stereotypical, but I like to think rather that my father is a bearer of traditions and his choices were made (consciously or not) to ensure the rest of his family is continually reminded of our roots - culinary, family, cultural, regional, ethnic and otherwise.   The birthday menu was the following (with the maker of each dish in parenthesis): Appetizers: Chips with salsa, queso, guacamole (ordered from local restaurant) The tools of a Texas barbecue man. Lunch: Barbecued chickens (Dad - that's right, he cooked for his own party) Barbecue sauce (Mom) Boracho beans (family friend) Cole slaw (me) Potato salad (my Aunt Charlene) Pickles from my parent’s canning pantry Dessert: Lemon meringue pies (Mom) Chocolate cake (M...