I made noodles for the first time. I don't know why I was intimidated by them. They ended up being the easiest thing to make and were so satisfying to eat. (So easy a two-year old and 12-year-old could do it... see photo below.) Many, many times I have had recounted to me the story of a person's mother or grandmother making noodles and the fond memories of seeing the rolled out sheets of dough hanging over the backs of chairs or drying flat on top of a bed. In their book Krasna Amerika: A Study of the Texas Czechs 1851-1939 , Clint Machann and James Mendl wrote "Soup ( polevka ) was an important part of the noon meal ( obed ). Rolled-out, paper-thin egg noodle dough, spread on a table or draped over chairs, was a common sight in a Czech home. After drying, the sheet of dough was rolled out and cut into thin strips, to be used in various kinds of noodle soup." (pages 140-141) I don't remember my grandmother making noodles, but my mother remembers her Aunt Bes...
family + history + food = me